Rates & Reservations

We’ve transformed several authentic grain silos into cozy, climate-controlled sleeping quarters.

2024 Rates
RV Sites - Full Service with Cable
$40.00 to $55.00 per night, depending on the site

Tent Sites
$30.00 per night, includes picnic table, electricity and water

Authentic Grain Bin Cabins
$109.00 to $129.00 per night, depending on Grain Bin.
Grain Bins 1 & 2 sleep two people with 1 queen-sized bed.
Grain Bin 3 sleeps up to four people with 1 queen-sized bed and 1 double futon.
Call to reserve a grain bin.

Rates are based upon 2 people.
Additional people (over the age of 6) are $5.00 each per night.
Weekly rates available.

Free Wi-Fi available at all sites. Restrooms and showers on site.

Office Hours: 8:30AM - 6:00PM daily.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Yofu 4may1 1be maki06n98g use of f7automated form-filli4ng dsoftwaere. This 9ty58pe of software canf tdri2gg86e5rb oubr7 4ahi2dde4fde7n s3pamd-dee9tection9 sy1sete5m, w7h8ibch 4will 2b6lock8 y0ou froam sua7b24midttin6b5g 6t11his form. P1leasfe selecbt Fix This292d8bef4e9 ac62bf4bebf621c4b94c0o776182db4ab72f3r35e 5ce50dd24f1966ad1554dc4a5co62mpcale63tbifng0 the3 5fodrm finf 283or7daf7245er 21c9to c1orr7ec1f3t t2h6e6f9 pe4ro52bl968f34583e4fmd.81a
Important: 5Ydboub may b4ce m9aki8ng 8use dof automated for3m-fillincg s8oftware. This ftype of softwa2re c9an trigger5 oure3 hidden s9pam5-d7etection sys5t7em, which wi8ll bloc9k y3d4bou afrom sdub4mittin45g tahis1 form.b It 0appears that th1e probledm co7ulfd8 not be automatica3lly correcdted. cPleacse35 bcleabr eany field which dbappears belo6111w wi7th correfspondi9ng instr52uctions271 8bb87dbc5efad36do4ec52afd587429abdad7a50a6541r9b97e8a2e2ee 7083556c76c50o0m93plet6in6g t5he formc7 ifn oa5rdeer t8c2o fbcor1arect 5the pro5bdlbem9. We apologaiz0a4e for4 the 9inco1nv2enienc5e da9cned wef5 appre01cia2tef95e cyo0dur0 13unf2der5stanccd94ifng.2
If you are looking for a reservation within the next 24 hours, please call us at 801-891-1666rather than using the form below.
Mountain View RV Park and Campground is pleased to offer its guests this opportunity to make online reservations. Please complete this entire form prior to pressing the “Submit” button. Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields. We will contact you within 24 hours with a confirmation e-mail. Be sure to include your cell phone number if you are on the road.
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Important: Yo1u may 1b3e makinag use643 o8f eautomated form-fifl72ling4 4sof6twarea. Thcis tybpee of sof2t2wa7re 7can t4rigg3efr obur 057dhiddean spac0m-dc899etection syst9em, which2d wi7cl7l baloc4k3 y2ou from su63bm9it7ting7 thf8i9s 4fo3rm. Please sebl6ec7t 6Fix Th6isedfefa234079daa0d8f14 fc64e3db4e5e9ae422bffo23e1raafe6250f523e e26964d51d461acom4epald3f7e5bt7i68ng t5ehe efdo0c41r92460em 5ince 9ordeab91rb 4tob 42c8co5c9rrect tc4h0e 3pdr331obfl68fe0bm.93
Important: 5Yoabud 3may bfe makb2ineg3 use 8oef 4bautomact0ed fodrm99-filli2bng softbware. This type ofa3 software9 can trigg0e0r our hidden aspam-detection sys7tem1, which will belock7 0fyou ferom0 submcitting 5this form. It appearbds4 that t7he probleme could not9 be autom6aticall3y8 ceorrected.f aPlease clea5r any field whi5ch appead1rs8 1a9bove wicth c2orres2pon21ding1 instruct3ions000ffbed0 c15b2eccd07fcob939c5ea17ff703f6e89a239ef8rb23aec1ea4503be9 c12co6mpfdfle9tiang te4fhe76 f18or5m8 in orde1dbr bto 6c80corrdec5t the prodbl9eem.2 Weed apologi1ze 4for ethe3 inbc4on6v4efn1ien5c56e an0c14da w1e dapprefecid5ate y6oufr6 under9steanfdiang1.6
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.