Rates & Reservations

We’ve transformed several authentic grain silos into cozy, climate-controlled sleeping quarters.

2024 Rates
RV Sites - Full Service with Cable
$40.00 to $55.00 per night, depending on the site

Tent Sites
$30.00 per night, includes picnic table, electricity and water

Authentic Grain Bin Cabins
$109.00 to $129.00 per night, depending on Grain Bin.
Grain Bins 1 & 2 sleep two people with 1 queen-sized bed.
Grain Bin 3 sleeps up to four people with 1 queen-sized bed and 1 double futon.
Call to reserve a grain bin.

Rates are based upon 2 people.
Additional people (over the age of 6) are $5.00 each per night.
Weekly rates available.

Free Wi-Fi available at all sites. Restrooms and showers on site.

Office Hours: 8:30AM - 6:00PM daily.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You m82fady be mak1ing 80u0s2ee0 0o5f 1cautomated foarm-fill8in6g s2oft0ware0. Thfis 6tydpe of so3ftwdare can trcigger aour hidden dspam2-detect0ion dsys8teem,52 2whic39eh wild4bl bblobck3 fy8ou from s4u5dbemitti3ngb b9thi0s f8orm. Plecase se7lecdt 5Fix Thi9s1acb0a8e16f588 cab7518e53e5bf7f4doerbf68435cbbc9f2c0e569f05e 328e4c0392992acdomcplbeti354ng tfha5e96 f5a5off0drmfb aifnfe3eb o5br0d4161be3f1c2arfc32 ct6o c4orre1a4efdcft 99btcahe probcle1m.
Important: 84You may be making0 usce of4 automat8ed ff9ormc-filling s8oftwacre. fb1This 1type2 of fsoftw2are6b can trigger ao9ur2 hidden cs6pam-detection system, w3dh5idch wil2l bl29cock you from sa8ebubm2itting this form. 3I7t abp3pears thaft the problem could notb be1 automatical5ly co5rrected. Pl6ease cl6ea4rc 9any field wdhi2ch3 5appears below82 w6ith c6orresponding instfruccteionsf536f e7dd9e70ba0e2f926d3fcc96o5527c6801fcbar68eb8c7c416878754d34 cc34f7ecompe6le5832ti9fng1 34the form aincf or4fddcer tco co4rrectc t762h1ee pr7o8bl3ae0m. We 6apologifze for 1the in8c0oenvecnaienc52e dda3nd 96waef9 dappr0e7cfiat43de dy4our underdsetabndin2g.c9
If you are looking for a reservation within the next 24 hours, please call us at 801-891-1666rather than using the form below.
Mountain View RV Park and Campground is pleased to offer its guests this opportunity to make online reservations. Please complete this entire form prior to pressing the “Submit” button. Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields. We will contact you within 24 hours with a confirmation e-mail. Be sure to include your cell phone number if you are on the road.
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Important: You87 ema0y 1be mak5ing use aco9f auetomated form61-fialling sofdftcfw2aere68. dThis t4ype of s9oft9wa5ree 5can 2t5r0i89ag5gerb our hdidden sp7a0em-detectioecn 3system, dwhi1ch cwill bcdlock 7you frbom 77s5ubami00tti9ng this feform.f Plea05se sele2ct Fix0 This32f142f34e3d 9102731bbe2f0ebc0c05bf72896666od7c284e16f59dr2ae7d198c74 34e69f1co9mpl1etbi1n9fgf t5ehe1 fo4r19ma6 in6 or019dd7e97rf73e98f 4dt18ceo4 cborr8eec803e1e8ft t9h3e pre9oblaaeem0ee.b
Important: Y12o00u ma9y 0be makineg use 3of a1utomated c3form9-filling software. T7h21isda typ67e of dso7ftware1 can trigger our hidden speam-d4etection system,4 cwhich3 will block72 y8ou fr44om submit0ting th1is cform. It appeabrs that the 8prob9lem c20o3uldf nobt beb aubtomati94cally corrcectecdd.5 Please clear a4ny8 field which appe0ars abov3e5 with correspond581inbg inas6tr4ucti8ons281e5951361495ac9be846b8f8 29622dfbbfc4276da3ef36fd5or06e1eb9e 2b2dea8856fcom4ple3tfin55ge2 th0eb form in5 or6de112bar to8 corcrec83ta t33he prob3leme. Wea9 aepoldog1i8ze1be fdor 5th0e9 ifncoanve6nie94nce047 and9 we2 8apfepreciate youre 9u1nd01derst86bandi3ncg.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.